Sharing Feast for 30 - Social Dining Experience

Sharing Feast for 30 - Social Dining Experience
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Chef Mimi
Chef Mimi




A simple start















Chef Mimi will cater to your every need. Creating seasonal and delicious dishes, from the comfort of your own home. Having trained at both Leith's and Ballymaloe, and worked for a large amount of highly successful clients, she is confident in the plethora of skills she can deliver. She is a fun and outgoing person to have around and is prepared, if wanted, to get fully involved with the team. This was the main reason Mimi got into private catering, as she thoroughly enjoys the personal relationships she creates with her clients. Chef Mimi focuses on the flavour over the frills, so if you are looking for good tasting food, she is your lady.
There is not a lot that makes Chef Mimi more happy than creating beautiful sharing plates of seriously tasty food. Having been inspired greatly by the master himself Yotam Ottolenghi, Mimi takes great pride in knowing how to make sharing plates work for any number of people. Big and bountiful flavours, shared amongst friends is for Mimi, the best it can get. She believes sharing plates are a great way to get people talking and to warm up quicker into the event. Clients choose one meat and around 2-3 Salads/Sides depending on what they are. Mimi is also happy to create a bespoke menu for you should you have any special requests. Mimi will also provide all the staffing you will need for ensuring the service is impeccable, and your home is left exactly as she found it. Her professional team of sous chefs and waiters are encouraged to be smiley and friendly, creating a calm and relaxed atmosphere for you and your guests. Available locations: Cotswolds, Essex, London, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Surrey, Sussex
Experience details

Experience duration:

4 hours

Maximum number of Guests:

Minimum spend:


Lead time ahead of booking:

2 weeks

Set up time:

90 minutes

Packing up time:

No packing up time
Additional info

Included from the hometainer:

Starters: - Bone Marrow Butter, Chunky Sourdough  - Grilled scallops with Nori, Ginger and Lime  - Yellowfin tuna Crudo, Jalapeño, Coriander, Fresh Lime  - Fillet of Beef Carpaccio, Parmesan, Wild Rocket, White Truffle Oil - Spring Beans, Isle of Wight Tomatoes, Basil Oil, Buratta, Smoked Almonds, N’duja Oil - Tomato, Coconut and Ginger Soup, Chilli Parmesan Crisp Mains: - Slow Roast Lamb Shoulder, Butter Beans, Rosemary and Creme Fraiche  - Persian Spiced Slow Cooked Lamb Shanks, Tabbouleh, Cucumber, Yoghurt & Dill Salad, Flatbreads  - Fillet of Beef wasabi rub, Grilled Pak Choy, Spicy Garlic Noodles, Crispy Shallots  - Beef Tagliata, Parmigiana, Rocket and Parmesan Salad, Fresh Rosemary Focaccia - Oxtail Ragu, Creamy Parmesan Polenta  - Ruby Chicken Curry, Garam Masala Carrot Slaw, Pomegranate mango Chutney, Ginger Rice  - Chicken, Leek and Pancetta Puff Pastry Pot Pie, Herby Pea Salad - Baked Crunchy Hot Honey Chicken, Asian Slaw, Sesame Noodles, Smashed Chilli Cucumbers  - Greek King Prawn Saganaki, Orzo Salad, Baby Leaf Salad  - Whole Side of Salmon, Watercress Sauce, New Potato and Asparagus/Samphire Salad - Roasted Celeriac Steaks, Spiced Lentils, Salsa Verde, Broccoli Shoots - Truffled Mushroom Risotto, Aged Parmesan, Micro Rocket  - Spring Green, Ricotta and Mint Lasagne, Fresh Pea Salad, Garlic Sourdough  Sides: - Grilled Leeks, Brown Butter, Spiced Hazelnuts  - Roasted Sprout Salad, Pecans, Blue Cheese, Maple Balsamic Dressing - Spicy ceaser potato salad  - Braised Beans, Cavolo Nero, Dijon Cream - Parmesan Garlic Hasselbacks  - Roasted Pepper, Gremolata Salad - Dauphinois  - Garlic sesame sautéed spinach  - Parmesan Tahini Kale Salad with Breadcrumbs and Crunchy Chickpeas - Red Rice Salad, Roasted Vegetables, Capers, Fresh Basil - Smoked Chickpea Schiacciare, Crisped Blue Kale & Wild Garlic Salsa - Whole Garlic Butter Sourdough Desserts: - Burnt basque cheesecake rhubarb compote - Cardamom panna cotta  - Chocolate Torte,  - Salted Caramel Brownies - Vanilla and Ginger Cheesecake, Orange Blossom Sugar Syrup - Tiramisu - Sticky toffee pudding  - Pineapple Carpaccio, Minted Sugar - Normandy Pear Tart, Vanilla Mascarpone  - Raspberry Fool, Shortbread Biscuit Crumb

I will need the host to provide

Crockery, Cutlery, Glassware, Fridge space, Oven/Hob

Dietary & Allergies


Operating hours

Available 24/7

Experience Reviews

Michelle R.

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Oct 31

I had Miss Mimi cater a Chinese New Year party for 80 people at my home. She did everything from plan the menu, organise the serving dishes to keep on the theme, prep, cook and left my kitchen spotless. And the food was out of this world. She staggered it so it was all hot and fresh and kept a constant mix of dishes she sent out. She did so much research to come up with a wide range of substantial hors d’oeuvres that ranged from vegetarian to quite filling meat dishes. She even went as far as to get the right color orchids to decorate the dishes as well. Nothing was left to chance and she was meticulous about her process. I can’t wait to use her again!

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