Luxury Canapés for 150 - Exclusive Catering Service

Luxury Canapés for 150 - Exclusive Catering Service
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Chef Mimi
Chef Mimi




A simple start















Chef Mimi will cater to your every need. Creating seasonal and delicious dishes, from the comfort of your own home. Having trained at both Leith's and Ballymaloe, and worked for a large amount of highly successful clients, she is confident in the plethora of skills she can deliver. She is a fun and outgoing person to have around and is prepared, if wanted, to get fully involved with the team. This was the main reason Mimi got into private catering, as she thoroughly enjoys the personal relationships she creates with her clients. Chef Mimi focuses on the flavour over the frills, so if you are looking for good tasting food, she is your lady.
Chef Mimi not only adores eating canapés herself, she loves making them too. Every mouthful is created to give your tastebuds a real good time. Using seasonal and sustainable produce, Mimi ensures that you will be eating food of the highest caliber. Not only do they taste out of this world, they are beautiful too. Mimi will arrive fully prepared, and will deliver a fuss free evening. Her team will be smiley and efficient, and create a professional, yet relaxed atmosphere for you and your guests. The client is encouraged to choose 6 different canapés, each guest will get a minimum of two of each canapés, totalling 12 canapé per person. Available locations: Cotswolds, Essex, London, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Surrey, Sussex
Experience details

Experience duration:

4 hours

Maximum number of Guests:

Minimum spend:


Lead time ahead of booking:

2 weeks

Set up time:

90 minutes

Packing up time:

No packing up time
Additional info

Included from the hometainer:

- Caramelised Onion, Gorgonzola, Parma Ham and Basil Cups  - Jamon Iberico and Manchego Croquettes, Roasted Garlic Aioli  - Mini Beef Burgers, Baby Gem and Truffle Mayonnaise  - Asian Glazed Pork Belly Skewers with Fine Pickled Cucumber   - Honey and Mustard Sausages  - Creamy Burrata and Seared Steak Garlic Crostinis  - Salmon and Sesame Tartare with an Avocado and Wasabi Puree (edamame tartare option for vegans) - Dorset Crab, Mango and Chilli Cups  - Seared Tuna Tataki, Crisped Radishes, Spring Onions  - Atlantic Prawn Cocktail, Crunchy Baby Gem Baby  - Thai Fish Cakes, Nuoc Cham Dipping Sauce  - Smoked Haddock Fishcakes, Chive and Lemon Mayonnaise  - Griddled Asparagus, Vegan Truffle Aioli  - Soft Quails Eggs, Chorizo Crumb, Hollandaise  - Fiery Carrot Hummus, Pomegranate and Feta Crostini - Baked Artichoke and Parmesan Dip, Seeded Crackers

I will need the host to provide

Crockery, Cutlery, Glassware, Fridge space and Oven/Hob

Dietary & Allergies


Operating hours

Available 24/7

Experience Reviews

Bridget L.

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Oct 31

Having asked Mimi to cook and prepare my post solo show supper party I felt completely relaxed and trusted her expert choices and decisions in what we might like to eat. We all appeared from the gallery to a feast of food... it was beautifully presented and completely delicious. Her unusual salads, cottage pie and mouth watering brownies vanished. Her professionalism, style and attention to detail was exceptional and Mimi was always there with a smile.
Tom M.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.


Oct 31

We were very fortunate to have Mimi cater our wedding. From the get-go Mimi was super engaged, flexible and approachable. When it came to the actual weekend Mimi was a force of good-natured efficiency. She kept us aware of any issues that need our input but without adding to the inevitable last-minute wedding stress. She was even up at 4 AM checking on the slow cooking lamb! On the day it was all better than we could have hoped for. Everything was utterly delicious, but also and importantly for us not the standard wedding fare (apart from honey mustard sausages obvs). The Asian pork belly was a particular favourite canape of mine as was the tuna tartare. The lamb for the main was honestly the best I have had, and I know several typically non lamb-eating friends had to do some soul searching afterwards. I would recommend Mimi to anyone for whom food is a priority. She provides something a bit different (and in my experience better) that most catering companies, helping to create an atmosphere that will feel uniquely yours

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