Relax & Recharge with Guided Meditation & Tarot at HOME

Relax & Recharge with Guided Meditation & Tarot at HOME
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A simple start



Nikki has been a practitioner and teacher in the healing arts for over 20 years, training in various metaphysical and healing modalities to help others awaken to their own potential for new ways of being in the world - more importantly to have fun along the way. With her own experience of deep trauma recovery and the path that took she was left in no doubt that we are much more than we seem and have access to a power that takes us to align with guidance beyond the senses we know if pay attention. Her meditations are renowned and she offers one to one sessions both online and in London and Sussex. She leads bespoke group sessions for business team building and events with her popular masterclasses and workshops which offer the opportunity for everyone to learn tools that are easy to integrate in everyday living. No previous experience necessary just an open curiosity to explore.
Busy Life? Not enough time? Deadlines at work? Anxious? This is a session of reset and recharge.. The benefits of deep relaxation and meditation are plentiful though to sit in stillness is a gift not often given to ourselves. To consciously allow this time may: Help reconnect to the potential we have within us Release worries and stress leading to clear decisions and better sleep Greater health and wellbeing Support recovery of disease and stronger immunity Greater self awareness and ability to manage life challenges Connection to self leading to better relationships with others Opening of creative channels and imagination to manifest what is possible Connection to the whispers of the soul voice rarely given attention HOMEtainer and practitioner Nikki will lead an intuitive guided meditation and then offer practical tools to take back into everyday life to help continue the sense calm. Journeys into Stillness are guided spoken journeys and are proven to bring a sense of escape to the place within us all that is often described as "truth". These sessions are supported by chosen oracle cards for each person that is often relevant to their current life experience. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Nikki can also offer a course of sessions for maximum benefit Available locations: London
Experience details

Experience duration:

1h 30min

Maximum number of Guests:

Minimum spend:


Lead time ahead of booking:

2 weeks

Set up time:

20 minutes

Packing up time:

No packing up time
Additional info

Included from the hometainer:

A session of reset and recharge, Nikki will lead a guided meditation and then leave each person  with tools to take back into everyday life to help continue the sense of self awareness and ability to manage challenges

I will need the host to provide

A quiet space and comfy seating and a plug for a speaker

Operating hours

Available 24/7

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