DJ Jorge Montiel - Ultimate Party Vibes

DJ Jorge Montiel - Ultimate Party Vibes
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A simple start



Having worked alongside producers and DJ’s of the calibre of Jose Padilla (Cafe Del Mar), The Reflex, Opolopo, John Morales and others in between, DJ, Jorge Montiel has develop an eclectic vision of DJing as well as production that moves across a broad spectrum of global sounds ranging from from his signature Soulful-Disco (LCO) vibes to, Tropical-Latin Fusion, Balearica, Electronica and beyond. He is also the co-founder of the infamous band: Los Charly’s Orchestra, with many of his releases published on labels of the highest calibre including Sony, EMI & Defected as well as his own: Imagenes Recordings Internationally, Jorge had worked in venues such as: Blue Marlin - Ibiza, Air - Tokyo and Ku De Ta - Bali, among others.
Picture this: it’s summer and your favourite people are gathered in your garden dancing to a DJ set by Jorge. Or maybe you’re in charge of organising the office party and rather than the cheesy Christmas tunes you want to dance to soulful disco, Balearica and electronica vibes instead? Hosting a New Year’s Eve party at HOME? Hire a DJ to make it epic! Having worked in venues such as Blue Marlin in Ibiza, Air in Tokyo and Ku De Ta in Bali, DJ Jorge Montiel will certainly bring the best vibes to your party. Available locations: London
Experience details

Experience duration:

4 hours

Maximum number of Guests:

Minimum spend:


Lead time ahead of booking:

7 days

Set up time:

1 hour

Packing up time:

No packing up time
Additional info

Included from the hometainer:

DJ Set

I will need the host to provide


Operating hours

Available 24/7

Experience Reviews

Maria S.

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Nov 5

Thank you, Antoine, chef Tom and service team of Ben without forgetting DJ Jorge for making my home party perfect🙏🏻

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